Thursday 16 October 2008


This blog is about to go ADULT! . So all Psychic Vampires who want to be FREE from the chains of controll and who want REAL knowledge and growth FREE then please feel free to get in touch with me my email is now available for contact . I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW YOUR REAL NAME OR WHERE YOU LIVE SO PLEASE CHOOSE AN ALIAS @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ . I WILL NEVER MEET ANYONE IN PERSON 'EVER' SO IF SOMEONE SAYS THEY ARE MYSELF AND WANT TO MEET YOU 'THEY ARE LYING' @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ . You must state that you are 18+ to be included in this blog from now on ! . If you don't feel secure emailing me then you can sign up here , but please make sure that you have read every other post ! . The information that will be passed on will be copyright free so SPREAD IT FAR AND WIDE ! . Some of the information may have appeared on other sites that i participated in as i have been active for many years or it has been STOLEN ! . IF ANYBODY THINKS THAT THE INFORMATION BELONGS TO YOU THEN FEEL FREE TO TAKE ISSUE WITH ME AND I WILL EITHER CREDIT YOU OR LINK TO YOU ! . My blogs have been messed with before IF THIS HAPPENS AGAIN THEN THIS BLOG WILL GO 'INVITATION ONLY' or i will SUE TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW ! . I am also looking for shared blog authors , so if you can help with site design or with knowledge then contact me . If you want to be part of the rebellion then STAND PROUD and SPEAK UP ! . If this does not work out then we will find a new medium to get our voice accross as 'The New Breed' will never be silenced or stopped ! . Any information that you get from this blog you use at your OWN RISK . Thereby you agree NOT to hold 'STORMBLUE EYE' liable for any misuse or abuse that may arise from the use of any material on this blog , the information provided is just that INFORMATION and THEORY it may be dangerous if put into practice and you are not well balanced within yourself so heed the above warnings ! . Remember i never meet anyone in person as i am against ALL forms of controll and that includes HOUSES , COURTS , COVENS , and CHURCHES ! . It is time for all Psychic Vampires to take responsibility for their own actions , think for themselves and let the CONCEPT of 'Elders' DIE . That is why the information is copyright free . A grass roots movement with Psychic Vampires growing and developing is 'STORMBLUE EYES' dream . Please read all the above at least 3 times and remember when you are on THE NET it's a matter of SAFETY FIRST! . So let this blog live or die it's in your hands . But remember 'The New Breed' will NEVER be silenced we will just find another way :-)

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